SEASON TWO - episode 11


The Mental Health and Social Benefits of Altruism

In this week’s episode, my special guest is Natasha Rowsell. 

Natasha is a super mom of two, loving wife, talented creative, professional dancer, speaker, thought leader, teacher and preacher. She holds a bachelor degree in Theology majoring in Youth Ministries from Master’s College and Seminary and has a passion to serve the next generation of teens.

She’s on the show to talk about the mental health and social benefits of altruism.

According to WELL Standards:

“Research demonstrates beneficial health and wellness outcomes associated with acts of generosity and charity. Volunteering fulfills many functions, providing a way for individuals to express their values, strengthen social relationships and gain career-related experience. The Mental Health Foundation states that helping others increases social support by increasing feelings of belonging, while decreasing feelings of isolation and loneliness. For these reasons, altruistic sentiments and behaviours are increasingly incentivized within the workplace.”

Listen in on how you can alleviate stress through the act of altruism.